8-Bit Chain Mail

8-Bit Chain Mail

Over the past few years, 8-bit art has made a bit of a comeback. But what’s more painstaking than building...

Mike Patton in Video Games

Mike Patton in Video Games

I’m not going into Mike Patton’s entire biography and discography here. Look him up on Wikipedia if you want all...

Remembering Marathon

Remembering Marathon

I never owned a PC. Ever. I’ve always had Macs (and other Apple varieties). So when Doom came out exclusively...

Super Mario Crossover

Super Mario Crossover

While browsing, considering resubscribing, I came across a fun little web-based game: Super Mario Crossover. It allows you to...

Campfire: Coddling the Crybabies

Campfire: Coddling the Crybabies

I don’t believe “campers” are the problem in Modern Warfare. I believe the crybabies who get overly upset over campers...

You’re calling me a camper? Tango Sucka!

You’re calling me a camper? Tango Sucka!

Last night I was playing Modern Warfare 2 (on PS3). It was a few minutes into Team Deathmatch, and I...

New in my pocket: iPod Touch

New in my pocket: iPod Touch

I picked up an iPod Touch a couple weeks ago. I was itching to get a new gadget for a...

The Art of Dan Schoening

The Art of Dan Schoening

Super cool artist Dan Schoening is obviously a Nintendo fan. Check out some of his interpretations of Mario, Metroid, Zelda,...

Confession: I only beat the first Zelda

Confession: I only beat the first Zelda

I consider myself a lifelong Zelda fan. I’ve owned almost every version on console and handheld. I was outraged when...

Enter the “Classic Core” gamer

Enter the “Classic Core” gamer

There have been several terms over the years to define and label segments of the game enthusiasts: hardcore gamers, casual...